Friday, January 20, 2012

I Heart Writing

The thing that I love most about writing is the ability to create something that would have never existed if not for the fact that I thought it up and put it down on paper. Aurora was only a reality in my mind and then in the people that I have allowed to read it and further more now apart of those who are reading this blog. It’s amazing to me, because I love writing her and hope that one day everyone will get to know her.

What surprises me the most is how easy I find it to sit down and just write. Sometimes I have an idea but mostly I start typing and my every thought spills out. There is nothing better than creating a character. Starting with how they look to who they are and the way I can have them accomplish anything with the tap of a key. I also have to admit that there is nothing more satisfying than creating someone you can hate or dragging a relationship out for as long as you like, continually taunting the reader with the first kiss and then destroying the relationship completely. It may sound mean but no one wants to read a happy ending in twenty pages, it’s the struggle of getting a character (that someone has come to love) to their final destination. Imagining their pain and frustration and then rooting for them to succeed. Every time a character gets knocked down you want the reader to fight for them. This is what I hope to create, the relationship that I feel every time I fall in love with a book. It is the build up that keeps you intrigued and I love to do it.

What I hate is editing. You may have notice I am not one to reread or catch my mistakes. I often have misspellings and other grammatical errors but I am so bored with the idea of editing that I can’t bring myself to care. Between my sister-in-law and myself, we have edited my book three different times (pure torture)! I still don’t think it’s ready to be read or to even look into getting published. But I love the fact that every time I read it I am still happy with every character, plot line and ultimately the ending and favorite part. It is my favorite part mostly because it leads to the second book.

I have written the second book but only in my head, besides a few notes. The reason? I have forbid myself to write it until I decide what to do with the first book. I’m certain I will write it one day, but for now I am content with the idea of continuing my favorite characters and creating some new ones all in my mind.


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